Day 1: Wednesday March 3rd, 2021
All times are Eastern Daylight Time.
10:30 am
Opening Remarks and Virtual Event Overview
10:45 am
Keynote: The Value and Impact a High Performing Medical Writing Group has on an Organization (Read More)
- Overview of the traditional role of a medical writer and the ability to adapt
- Impact on clinical development and all aspects of a drugs life cycle
- Insights into team designing and training
- Value of a Medical Writing Group on data and the ability to be vigilance
11:15 am
Best Practices in Scientific-Publication Writing (Read More)
- Impact of fair balance on scientific interpretation and communication
- "Scientific epistemology": how do we know what we know? A case-study approach to study design and levels of evidence
- "Cutting along the bias": when observational findings lead us astray
11:45 am
12:15 pm
Trial Protocols to Impact Registries and Regulations (Read More)
- Overview of sharing data for all participants to understand
- Impact of plain language writing
- Data Sharing and privacy impact
Director, Clinical Trial Information Disclosure, Regulatory Management Operations
Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.
12:45 pm
Strengthening the Ampersand: Medical Writing & Transparency Alignment to Meet Company Objectives and Regulatory Requirements (Read More)
- How Jazz’s Medical Writing team provides strategic expertise and leadership to unlock organizational excellence
- Alignment between the Medical Writing & Transparency helps manage risk to the company through education and implementation of current and future Transparency regulations, including the public release of documents
- How Jazz’s Transparency function works cross-functionally to reach trial participants through Plain Language Summaries
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
Navigating deadlines and enhance clear communications abstract (Read More)
- Identifying what type of deadlines medical writers must adhere to, and navigating the deadlines based on the type of documents and regulatory requirements
- Timeline management
- Tips on how to promote interactions between cross-functional teams to enhance communications
2:30 pm
Utilize Lay Summaries to Ensure Patient Engagement (Read More)
- Synergies between plain language and earlier functions
- Impact on transparency and disclosure practices
- Practical examples of plain language and health on communication strategies
- Facilitator towards improved patient engagement and centricity in clinical research
Associate Director, Relationship Management and Development
The Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP)
3:00 pm
Post Regulatory Submission: Role of Medical Writing (Read More)
- Role and Responsibilities of Medical Writing during pre- and post-submission
- Prepare for post-submission activities and FDA inspection
- Lessons learned: Do’s and Don’ts
3:30 pm
Day 1 Concludes
Day 2: Thursday, March 4th, 2021
10:30 am
Opening Remarks
10:45 am
Project Management: Best practices for meeting compliance and timelines
11:15 am
Collaborative Editing: Avoiding the “Too Many Cooks” Phenomenon AND Meeting Stakeholder Needs (Read More)
Medical writers in all areas of the field are often called on to work within a team of professionals and subject matter experts to complete their projects. Too often, the well-meaning contributions of those team members to our writing projects will combine to create challenging snarl of interpersonal, technological, and project management issues. In these situations, the medical writer’s expertise in preparing for and managing the process of collaborative editing is critical to the success of the project. This seminar will discuss the fundamentals of setting up and managing an effective collaborative editing process as well as key tools and resources for medical writers to assist them in developing and mastering this critical area of expertise.
11:45 am
12:00 pm
Enhance your Medical Writing Team through Strategic Protocols and Processes (Read More)
- Drive the project timelines to ensure all protocols are met and final projects are high quality
- Program and project management to ensure all deadlines are met
- Meet communication goals to assist take the scientific data turn into strategic papers, grants, education, communication
- Overview of the medical writing career path and growth
- Drive the storytelling in medical writing that impacts all aspects of the company
12:30 pm
Creating a Strategic Plan for Medical Writing Departments (Read More)
- Operating decisively and planning for clinical regulatory medical writing teams
- Managing objectives and timelines
- Key insights for effective clinical overview
- Lessons learned from remote work and virtual engagements
1:30 pm
Virtual Event Concludes